A High Wow Factor

Two days ago, just as the smoke closed in again, we were coming back down the shore of the lake when my husband spotted an eagle. It was perched on a tree just off the road between the road and the lake. Almost at eye level. We came to a quick stop and I grabbed my camera, staying in the car, and started to shoot. Expecting at any moment that it would take off. There was traffic on the highway, but it seemed unperturbed. With the smoke over the lake, there was no background to distract from the image of the eagle. I must have taken 100 shots and was just closing the window when I looked at the camera. I had no memory card in it! I was appalled. We raced home with me thinking ‘yeah right, it’s going to wait for us..’. Grabbed the card and a different lens which would give me more picture – my 200-400 vs my 300 with teleconverter. And we headed back. To the eagle still sitting in the tree!

I started shooting again. Although once it was startled by a truck going past and almost took flight, it stayed around for quite sometime before finally lifting off, as if to say ‘enough’s enough’.

The really funny thing was that as I was leaning out of the window with this huge lens, a car pulled in behind us. I cursed under my breath, and a little out loud, waiting for the person to get out and head back to get a closer look at what I was doing. Well, she got out, with her little point and shoot, moved around her car and proceeded to photograph the smoke obscuring the view of the other side. Never looked to see what I was photographing. And then returned to her car and drove off. I almost suspect that the eagle was miffed by her indifference to his splendour (actually given its size I suspect it was a female as they are larger than the male). You will see a small blurred blob in a couple of the photos. That’s not dirt on my lens but flies and wasps flying around the eagle.

We were so close to the eagle! Here are some shots. Enjoy…..









This next shot shows the third eye lid over its eye.

Look at the detail of the eye.

Today Was a Good Day

Categories: Best of the season, Daily Post Photo Challenge, dramatic, eagles, elegant, environment, Inspiration, Kootenay Moments, Nature Photography, Photography, Photography challenge, raptors, Weekly Photo Challenge

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11 replies

  1. Those shots are really magnificent! You’d think you were right up beside it!



  2. Beautiful shots! Amazing birds.


  3. some very kewl pics of this beautiful birD! šŸ˜Ž


  4. Those are just the most amazing photos. What a gift to be there, and also for you to share them with us. Thank you!


    • I am so lucky to live here. Years ago I swore I never would take this area for granted. And everyday my photography keeps my eyes open and my heart grateful.
      Thank you for enjoying them and letting me know.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I do not believe it would be possible to ever take this area for granted even if you did not have such fine camera gear. BUT, I am so glad you do have such fine camera gear and the time and interest to take and share these photos. I do not believe that our environments can be preserved and respected unless people have the opportunity to know of them. Your photography is a voice of advocacy for your beloved area and may it remain just this beautiful.


      • Thank you ever so much. One of my goals is to capture this area as it is. Someone once told me it was important that I document the area in its current state because it is slowing fading with increased presence of people and industry. Also, climate change is already impacting the area. Hard and sad to know that someday these photographs will be a document of our history.
        Thank you again for your kind words.

        Liked by 1 person

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