The Last Hurrah

Today I went up the river and all the signs told me that the fall season is coming to a close. Over the past few days, it’s as if a switch had been turned off. So few eagles remain compared to just a five days ago. Perhaps they know when the time change takes place. And when that happens, they begin their migration to their winter grounds. Very few eagles over winter here. And of course, the bears hibernate.

But it all seems so sudden. No fish, apparently, and no predators.

However, it was sunny and cool, a beautiful afternoon for one last run.  And as the sun started to drift behind the mountains, I was gifted with an eagle photo op which will keep me going until next year.





Now to get my gear ready for the winter search for moose,big cats, owls ………
And once again I ask that you enjoy my photographs, but don’t take them as yours.

Categories: birds, eagles, Photography

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13 replies

  1. Thank you! They just pop! I almost fell off my chair when I downloaded them and they appeared on my computer monitor. Magic!


  2. What beautifully clear photos of the eagle! He really stands out against the foliage and he looks so disdainful!



  3. Amazing photos! How far away were you when you spotted it? This is the US’ national bird right? I made a post about a recent photo discsovery of my country’s national bird, the Philippine Eagle. Hopefully you can check it out too 🙂


  4. These are some of the very best photos of eagles I have ever seen. Thank you so very much! What a great website you have. How fortunate I am to have arrived here!


  5. wow again! Stunning shots!



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