Your Fingers


I found one more prose poem in my mind. So here it is. Theme still Fingers.

Your fingers play my heart like a flute
Flinging your notes to my mind
Fluttering fingers so long and slim
Caressing my life with your joy.

Your fingers play my heart like an organ
Swelling my thoughts with the sound
Rich and round from so far down
From fingers strong and long.

Your fingers play my heart like a cello
Pulling rolls of sound from the depths
Teasing the notes to the surface
With fingers slim and tender.

Your fingers play my heart each time
You touch me. On the face,
On the arm, at my neck.
Stirring such feelings of wonder
That your fingers are magic to me.

Categories: Daily poetry, Prose poetry

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8 replies

  1. A beautiful love poem!



  2. Lovely, I read it out loud and tried not to imagine the fingers…LOL


  3. Being surrounded by the fingers at the end just floods my mind. Well-done!


  4. I hope you don’t mind my reblogging this post.


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